Thursday, April 06, 2006

Brick And Mortar. Is This The End?

Is this the end of the road for the brick and mortar companies? Online business has soared over the past several years not to mention with the help of the global economy. I would venture to say that the standard brick building that we used to pay rent and handle transactions would no longer exist in the near future. I remember in one of my college classes in 1987 where my professor was saying that there would come a time when no one would have to leave home to do any type of shopping. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that time is here. I say give it another 15 to 25 years and we will think, anyone still doing business out of a brick building instead of on the internet will be obsolete. The global economy will demand it. Will this cause a fall in land prices? The way I see it, I think land prices will remain steady. But the only land that will be needed is for housing and warehousing. We are closer than we think. When you really think about it, how often do you need to leave your house get food? There are so many things that you can accomplish over the Internet.

There are Companies that allow employees to work one day a week out of their home. You may find this hard to comprehend, but you have thousands of so called Internet gurus who don’t leave their home for nothing except maybe to get some fresh air. It’s pretty simple, imagine that you are at home on your computer and you decide you want some fast food from Jack In The Box. You just put your order in via the computer and a warehouse receives that order which relies on another computer to cook up your order. Your order is then delivered to your door via street trolley type car all in the space of 8 minutes. By the way that same warehouse, houses every fast food joint you could think of. So there would be know need to travel to different restaurants to satisfy everyone.

Just imagine, all of us living in the age of the Jetsons! Computers and the internet has made most things possible. Does this mean we could become dependent upon computers like in the matrix? Now that`s a scary possibility. As humans, we must watch out that we do not sell our souls to the machines. We need to make sure we have capable people in charge. We will find ourselves destroying this world of ours. I can see mankind turning this earth into one big hell. Most of mankind has already sold out to big business. all you have to do is turn on the news to see that.

Seems like every story is about some CEO stealing money from his own company. I just finished reading an article about a well known company that got together with two other companies and devised a scheme online called click fraud. click fraud is when other companies pays an internet company to put ads on web sites and pays a price every time a consumer clicks on that ad. To make a long story short, The internet company paid two other companies to click on the ads to run up the bill. So we must be very careful not to sell out our future to this machine called the internet.

So I ask, that we keep a vigilance to place gatekeepers on the computers to keep the internet pure and clean. not only for us but for the future of our children.


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